"The real power of interactive technologies is that they let us learn in ways that aren't otherwise possible or practical"-David Lassner

Blog 1- Learning Theory

Hello everyone!

Q: Share a story about your best learning experience (could be a formal course of something more personal). Why did you enjoy it?

Reflecting on my life one of my best learning experiences must be when I was learning how to drive standard. Looking at it now, it was an easy task to do. However, at the time it seemed like a learning task I never thought I would be able to learn. Learning how to drive a manual vehicle, incorporated learning how to use a new peddle and be able to shift gears into the correct place. While doing these tasks I had to also keep in mind the RPMs on the speedometer. I was learning how to use 3 new car technical tools that I never used before. This task was difficult to learn and make it become a natural task.  

            Reflecting on the backwards brain bicycle video I never realized how challenging learning and unlearning truly is. When I was learning how to drive standard it made the other tasks of driving an automatic on the road slightly difficult. Switching from automatic to manual cars defiantly took time to get used to. I would find myself wanting to reach for the shifter to change gears, even though I was driving an automatic vehicle. When I was switching from automatic to standard vehicles the process of unlearning how to do something new crossed my mind. It was quite interesting to me that our own minds take time to unlearn and adjust to not performing the task that seemed so natural. 

            I really enjoyed learning how to drive a manual car. It was quite a challenge learning how to drive and incorporate all the new driving features, but the end goal was worth it. I enjoy learning new and difficult tasks. Once you fully learn you’re provided with a feeling of accomplishment that makes the struggle worth it. 

Thank you for reading my blog!

This week I have interacted with our classmates Kate and Asia blogs:

Kate’s Blog:

Asia’s Blog

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